Terms and conditions of www.covasafaja.com
Intellectual property
CovaSafaja is the owner of this Internet domain.
The intellectual property rights of this website and its contents are owned by CovaSafaja.
The reproduction of the contents of this website is authorized whenever its origin is mentioned or authorization is requested, except for data protected by Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data or Other information that may be protected by other legal provisions.
It is intended to minimize service interruptions and problems caused by technical errors. No responsibility is assumed for any interruptions or deficiencies in the service, or problems that may result from the consultation of these pages.
Access Recommendations
CovaSafaja ensures that the presentation of all the essential contents and functionalities of the web is independent of the physical devices and web browsers used for this purpose, coded with technical standards of free and free use, and accessible for browsers adapted to people with disabilities or limitations Sensory, motor or cognitive.
Terms of use
Sending unsolicited mass mail or unsolicited email (SPAM) to email accounts used on this website is prohibited.
It is forbidden to use this Web for commercial purposes or in an inadequate way for its own purpose.
The user will not be able to access the website in a way that damages, deteriorates, underutilizes or overloads the services and / or information offered.
Privacy of personal data
The privacy policy is based on requesting only the data strictly necessary to be able to provide the services of the Web.
The processing of the personal data that is made through this website will be subject to the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, on the protection of personal data, and in the rest of the regulations of the application. The data collected will be transferred by computer or archived with the consent of the citizen, who has the right to decide who can have his data, to use them, request that they be accurate and used for the purpose for which they are collected, With exceptions provided for in current legislation.
License number: HUTCC-000455 DC44